special thank you sponsor & best guitar company!
hey, friend.
i’m a new york-native singer/songwriter that’s found my lane in the moody & contemplative twinges of alternative pop mixed in with a dash of soul roots. not quite sure which genre box that ticks…
over the past 5 years, i’ve gotten to write & lead worship as a member of red rocks worship, tour with amazing artists like chris tomlin & matt maher, partner with top music labels capitol records cmg & provident/sony, & write with & share the stage with some of the industry’s finest. and as exhilarating as those things were & still are, those experiences haven’t been able to quiet that tiny voice urging me the artist’s way.
the music i’ve been crafting [& soon releasing!] are of the most vulnerable kind. i’ve collected my lessons & the content never seems to end lately. these songs are the product of what i’ve found beneath the silence, what i’ve found behind the applause & expectation.
in a time in history where the power of a person’s story is being taken seriously maybe for the first time, courage is popping up everything & i have not been unaffected by that message. so, this is me showing up, telling my story & telling the truth. it’s exciting, terrifying & altogether humbling.
thank you for being a friend along the way.
special thank you sponsor & best guitar company!